Self Managed Superannuation Fund
Have you ever thought about purchasing property through a self managed super fund (SMSF)?
Setting up your own SMSF can give you the freedom to build up equity in property and other assets and put you in control of your financial future.
At LoanBrix we have helped many clients over the years to purchase both residential and commercial properties through a SMSF. We tailor loan advice from our wide range of lenders to help find the most suitable options for you.
Contact Us now or Book a Time to get in touch with one of our friendly team and begin your loan journey with us!
Financial Adviser
At LoanBrix we believe that working with a Financial Adviser can help you build, protect and create financial independence.
We partner with trusted firms such as MCR Wealth, whose Financial Adviser Mark Rice provides a personal financial planning service and reviews your superannuation and insurance needs. Their advice helps inform your property and loan strategy, enabling us to provide more suitable finance options for you on your loan journey.
Contact Us now or Book a Time to get in touch with one of our friendly team and begin your loan journey with us!